hello and welcome to this article where I’m going to show you yet another
amazing chat GPT SEO workflow this one is probably going to be something that
you’ve never seen before so just trust me when I say that this is a good one
what I want you to do is only go on Google and type in platform open AI what
this should do is it should give you a link to platform.openai.com and this
gives us access to what is known as The Playground now it says they’re looking
for shot GPT try it now but you can actually use chat uh sorry not chat GPT 3.5
turbo inside this uh playground okay this actually gives us the possibility to
do a couple of things but one of the main things it gives us the possibility of
doing is creating longer content and also controlling how repetitive chat GPT
is and also controlling about
Google and type in platform
whether they use the same words or
whatever it might be so frequency is whether it uses the same words presence
penalty is pretty much the same thing but it just talks about different topics
instead of using different words so what I did the other day was what I created
like a company profile Okay so what I did was I gave I created this which is
what I want um GPT 3.5 to use when it’s talking so the first one it’s it’s like
a prompt basically okay it’s just a prompt so you are an SEO content writer for
two men dot it two men dot it resells luxury Italian sartorial classic menswear
product write an article that fits into this Niche using the brands and
products from the links the links are just the links that I wanted to
include you write using mark down
formatting and you use lists bold italics and internal links internal link
ahrefs using links again here are the links every time you mention suits I
wanted to mention these Brands every time you mention pants talk about these
Brands blah blah blah blah blah blah okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going
to put that into the system okay and this could also be called uh prompt okay
and then you’re going to click click on user and you say I want you to write an
today okay and then a system will say what
is the name of the blog post and then the message here will be the name of the
blog post is best Italian runs Okay so we’ve got everything set up nicely here
I’m going to show you something absolutely amazing let’s just see if it works
first of all so I’m going to press submit and you can see that it’s writing
blah blah blah but it’s not using the markdown formatting that I told it to use
so I’m going to pause it and instead I’m going to write at the very top use
markdown formatting for titles and links for example best Italian brands okay
so I’m gonna write that at the very
top I did do this the other day and it
worked perfectly so I want you to write an article today using mark down
formatting okay what is the title I don’t know if this part’s actually
necessary so we’ll try it again after without this uh the title is best Italian
luxury brands okay so let’s submit again and hopefully this time there we go
okay perfect so you can see hashtag hashtag best Italian Brands it’s adding
links it’s doing everything and the Beautiful part about this is this article
is going to be very very long although I forgot to add the maximum length thing
I forgot to add the frequency penalty because I refreshed the page so I’ll just
submit this again and yeah normally it would have done that in one shot but
because I messed up basically um and I forgot to put the maximum length thing
back it’s
Content but we’ll sort that out so a couple
unfortunately given me this little break
in the content but we’ll sort that out so a couple of things that you might
want to fine-tune this with number one is tell it to only use one link once
okay to make sure that you’re not using the same link over and over like it has
here and then for some reason it started using different links even though I
gave it all the links to use so I’m not sure why it’s doing that yeah look it’s
just it’s just adding random links so this it’s still not perfect right now and
I guess it’s because there’s too much information here and it’s it’s written
too much content so it’s kind of Forgotten what it’s writing about however what
I wanted to show you was the next part of this okay again this is not quite
perfect okay I think the prompt is too
long and the maximum content may maybe is too long as well but what I wanted to
show you was Mark down to HTML tool and this is the really good part of this um
this process as you see once I put this in here it just gives me an easily
copyable article like this now this isn’t quite yet perfect but I did want to
show you this it is still a playground it is just still an
interesting thing that will definitely be
a lot better in the future a couple of tips number one is write this at the
very top number two you can find this entire prompt in the description of this
YouTube article so definitely make sure
that you check it out I’m going to add something right now that says um only
use each uh how do I do links once do not make up any links only use the ones I
gave you okay so before
I gave you okay so before
this article ends I just want to try something real quick
so I’ve shown you how to do this really really nice um output you can see that
the links are all there some of them aren’t working for some reason I’m not
really sure why I’m just going to refresh the page and we’re going to try one
more thing before the end of this article which is just to press submit here because I’m
not actually sure what happens oh you don’t need to fill in any information
that’s amazing that’s absolutely amazing so yeah this works
incredibly well guys I highly recommend
that you check this out I forgot to put the maximum length again that’s really
annoying because it was doing it perfectly so make sure you change the maximum
length I I like to put the frequency penalty in the uh the presence penalty up
just a little bit it’s not 100 necessary but definitely feels like it makes a
difference and it stops repeating itself over and over okay there we go perfect
I just want to get a good complete article out of this thing real quick so that
we can see just how effective it is and look at that it’s no longer