Hey guys in this article we’re going to be
taking a first look at chat gpt4 and what I think of it etc there’s no
point hiding it uh for now I’m probably going to continue using 3.5 and I’ll
show you why in this article so what do we want to write about let’s
write about Let’s do an article so first of all let’s just do any random
article so human written content let’s say best suits for 2023 whatever so this
is still model 3.5 okay and the reason I’m going to continue probably using
this at least for now is for one very important reason let’s change it to Cha
chi pt4 and then let’s do the same thing and you’ll instantly be
able to see why I’m going to continue using 3.5 for
now so best suits 2023 press enter it is so much slower in fact it’s at the
point where it’s so slow that it’s not good okay this is not useful for me at
the moment unfortunately and I want to talk a little bit about why that might
be so let’s go to chat gpt4 or just uh gbt4 it should be because chat gpt is
this and gpt is like the language model so one of the problems right now is yes
it has um Advanced reasoning capabilities okay so that means logically speaking
if you’re writing in some kind of logical niche uh like health or whatever it
might be then chat GPT surpasses sorry gbt4 surpasses chat GPT in its Advanced
reasoning capabilities okay so that’s
Chat GPT output here
super important for certain people okay and the reason
is it it can figure out riddles it can figure out complex problems such as this
you can see here that uh chat gpt output here is incorrect whereas the output
here is correct okay and there was a really really popular kind of picture
going around that was saying that Chachi pt3 couldn’t solve the problem of um
was it if your sister is born one year before you what is it how okay so yeah
this is the problem so when you’re when you were born your sister was twice my
age or whatever and it’s really really common to get this question wrong as a
human and also Church EPT was at some point getting this question wrong chat
gpt4 or gpt4 would not get this
question wrong which is why in certain circumstances
You’re Gonna Want to use chat GPT 4. however for me personally although it’s
more intelligent at maths and Science and logic and all that kind of stuff I am
not writing that kind of content okay I am writing quick Snappy listical blog
post infinite informational articles in a niche that does not require Authority
okay if your Niche requires Authority such as your money or your life so your
money or your life basically means that yeah ymyl it basically means a niche
that’s in finances or health if you’re in one of these niches you’re gonna have
to use chat gpt4 okay so you’re gonna have to put up with the slower content
for now which is not really
necessarily a bad thing because the content that you
have to produce to rank on Google has to be correct and it has to be amazing
quality so my advice to you is if you are in a sciency mathematical Niche or
your money or your life Niche You’re Gonna Want to use chat gpt4 okay so I’m
going to leave these two links in the description there is the products of gpt4
and there is the research GPT for I want to talk a little bit about the
research at gpt4 because I just find this absolutely fascinating so this is
openai.com research slash gpt4 so we’ve created a gbc4 the latest milestone in
open ai’s efforts in scaling up deep learning gpt4 is a large multi-modal model
which accepts images and text inputs I can’t wear work out if that’s possible
yet I don’t think it’s possible to put images in right now but I will
Experimenting with that guys do not worry
definitely be experimenting with that guys do not
worry about that accepting image and text inputs emitting text outputs that
while less capable than humans in many real world scenarios exhibits human
level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks so this is
super interesting to me okay we’ve created gbt for the latest milestone in open
ai’s effort in scaling up deep learning gbt4 is a large multi-module modal
model that’s blah blah blah we’ve already said that gbt three point for
example it passes a simulated bar exam the bar exam is
if you want to become a lawyer I think in the US with a score around in around
the top 10 of all test takers in contrast GPT 3.5 score was around the bottom
10 what does that mean already if I had some kind of Law Firm if I was writing
for a law firm or whatever it might be this would be huge huge news for me if I
had a law firm and I wanted to create a lot of GPT content I would instantly be
swapping over to gpt4 and cranking out some amazing and
accurate content we’ve spent six months iteratively
aligning gpt4 using lessons from our adverse adversarial adverse surreal
testing program as well as chat to GPT this is perfect so it’s learning from
everything we’ve been doing resulting in our best results though far from
perfect on uh factuality still this is really important this is probably one of
the most important words that they could use factuality is so important for SEO
and it’s so important for writing good content steer ability this is perfect as
So important for SEO
which means that you can steer the AI into the way
that you want it to create content and refusing to go outside of guard rails
over the past two years we rebuilt our entire deep learning stack and together
with with Microsoft azure co-designed a super computer from the ground up for
our workload a year ago we trained 3.5 as the first test run of the system we
found to fix some bugs and improved our theoretical
foundations as a result our chat our gbt4 training run
was for us at least unprecedentedly stable becoming our first large model whose
training performance we were able to actually predict ahead of time as we
continue to focus on reliable scaling we aim to hone our methodology to help us
predict and prepare for future capabilities increasingly far in advance