hello guys and welcome back to my channel god it feels good
to say that this article is going to be
an updated article about how to do
keyword research for a blog post website I do have an entire series coming very
very soon on how to set up a website from scratch but unfortunately one of well
the sponsor is currently not responding to me I’m not too bothered about
sponsors but if I’m going to spend probably 50 hours or so making a course I do
want it to have a sponsor okay and the sponsor is going to be the tool that I
use for hosting anyway so yeah but for now let’s just talk about keywords and I
want to talk specifically about the keyword tool on so Google ads Keyword
Planner which has been updated
Google ads Keyword Planner
ladies and gentlemen which is an amazing
thing to see it’s actually got or gotten even more powerful so this is Google
ads Keyword Planner you may or may not be familiar with this if you do not know
how to get to this screen here there will be a article in the description that will show you exactly
how to set it up however once you’re on the screen what you want to do is you
want to click on discover new keywords and we’re going to type in English here
and we’re going to put you we’re going to remove Italy actually I’m going to
put United States this current keyword method is by far the best way to get
quick traffic traffic on a website whether
that’s a new website an old website it really doesn’t matter this is literally
the best way to find keywords right now so what you want to do is you want to
break your topic into really really broad terms okay so for example I am in the
fashion Niche or the men’s fashion Niche so what I’m going to do is I’m going
to type in male fashion male style men fashion men’s style men clothes male
clothes okay what this does is it puts all of your Niche into one easy to
digest format for Google or for the keyword tool and let’s actually have a look
at what’s changed in the keyword tool
what’s changed in the keyword tool
that makes it so good right now so the
first thing is you can actually see like the overall amount of traffic that you
can expect if you were number one for every single keyword in this Niche so
it’s 30 million 20 million the niche is pretty big as you can see okay another
thing you can do which you could always do is you can refine the keywords so
let’s say you are not selling any Brands so you could for example remove brands
from your keywords I’m not going to do that because we sell Brands okay but
just in case you wanted to do that that’s how you do it another thing that you
can do is you can click on keyword view we’ll talk about that actually after
actually but you can click on keyword view and you put it on grouped view I’ll
talk about the relevance of that a little bit later this is the new Google ads
Keyword Planner these lines here I’ve
never seen before okay I saw them on one YouTube article once I had no idea how they got to that point
and then I think it’s something to do with my other Google ads account being
banned for some reason that even though I’ve paid the amount of money they told
me to pay I have no idea what’s going on with that okay but for some reason
this has this Google ads Keyword Planner has this line here and my other one
doesn’t I still like to do the exact same thing but before I do that I like to
just see if there’s any others that are relevant to our business High fashion
incredibly relevant to our business so I’m
going to put it on and also men’s store I may as well add it just to get a few
more keywords right now you can be finished with this process already okay and
you can just click uh let’s it as a Google sheet let’s it and then that’s the
report done you’ve now completed your keyword research move on to the next
point or what you can do is
Themselves okay so you can offer to do keyword
you can look for one specific blog post
that you want to write and this is what I’ve been doing recently you’ve got two
options you can do year-on-year change or three month change in my opinion
three month change is much much much better let’s just quickly open this so we
can see you can see here that there’s a huge amount of keywords here and you
can very easily format this into a nicer format or whatever it might be you can
also just send this to a client and people will pay for this because they don’t
know how to get it themselves okay so you can offer to do keyword research for
someone and you can just literally send them this which took me a few minutes
to make and you’re done already so what we’re going to be doing instead is
we’re going to be looking at the three month change and we’re going to zip past
the infinite because I actually don’t care about the infinite although I will
say I will say that
potentially in the future these infinites
might be huge keywords okay because what infinite X actually means okay so this
symbol infinite whatever it’s an eight okay the symbol infinite means that it
was zero and now uh three months ago okay nobody was searching for it but now I
guess it’s one or more okay but this is how Trends are born you have to realize
this okay so for example I just saw a really interesting keyword for me which
is shorts with a blazer with shorts so for me already this is a really good
example of an article that in a few months might be popping okay I really don’t
know it’s very
hard to say because you can see as well
year on year changes minus 67 which means it previously was a good keyword but
now it’s probably not such a good keyword okay so you have to be very very
careful with the infinites so what I actually like to do is I like to scroll
past all of the infinites and I like to go to the big ones so gents wear it
only has 20 searches a month but look at that curve plus 1 600
I would say in a few months who knows
gents wear could be a keyword with 1 000 searches per month okay so the really
important thing to know is that if you get on a trend okay at the beginning of
that Trend and I have done this before using the exact logic that I’m showing
you in this article this is how I found
the absolutely insane keyword that I have