Fix canonical issues in Blogger | Duplicate without user-selected canonical |

Picture of by David Pogue
by David Pogue


Fix canonical issues in Blogger | Duplicate without user-selected canonical |

hi everyone welcome to another video on search console and
in this video we will talk about canonicals so what basically canonical is and
how you can fix this issue in your blogger website so canonical URL is the main
URL that Google sing is the actual URL of your website and it will skip all the
duplicate pages so let me just open this notepad file and as you can see I have
added the website links like this in the first case I have added https with ww
in my website and in second cases I have removed the WW and in third SSI I have
removed the https and I have used the HTTP version and in third case I have

URL that Google sing is the actual URL 

the WW but still keep the HTTP version so Google thinks all these URL will be
different but in reality all the URLs are same and it will lead to the same
page with same content but how Google will understand that which one URL that
it should be indexing Google because Google can’t index all the URLs in Google search
result page if that happened then it will create duplicate issue in search
result that’s why Google automatically select one of the pages as a canonical
URL and index it in search result but you can direct the Google tools you can
say Google that you you have to index the your this 

URL only and Skip all this
URL in search console and you can do it by using the self canonical tag so let
me just show you how you can do that so first of all you need to go to your
blogger dashboard and let’s click on theme here and let’s click on edit HTML and
let me just find the canonical tag here and as you can see this is the
canonical tag so let me just copy this to clipboard and let me just paste it
here and if you put this line of code in your head tag then you can solve most
of the canonical issues so let me 

URL only and Skip all this URL

just open the website here and let me just
click on view page source and let me just find this canonical and as you can
see the link we have added the home page link as a canonical tag so let me just
open any blog post here and let me just view page source and let’s find the
canonical and as you can see I have added the URL as a canonical URL so Google
will index only this URL and it will skip something like question mark m equal
to 1 or question mark one two three like that so let me just open this like let
me just add a question mark one two three and hit enter then it will also lead
to the same page with same content but Google thinks that this is a separate URL
and flag it as a canonical issue but in reality you don’t have to worry about issue
like that because Google is already index the main page and it is not indexing
your canonical URL but if Google Index this URL as a canonical URL then you
need to 

Google Index this URL as a canonical URL

redirect this URL to your main URL and you can do that just by going to
your settings and let me scroll down and here you will see this option
redirection custom redirect and you can click on ADD here and you can do it
only if Google index the this version question mark one two three without
indexing the main URL then in that case you can set a redirection so just copy
the URL from here because there it already is last Mark here so let me just
copy this URL and I will go to settings and I will paste it here like that and
I will just paste the URL again I will remove the question mark one two three
so if the 

Google is indexing question mark one two three like that URL then you
need to paste that in from section and you need to redirect the same URL to
your main URL and click on OK and let’s enable the permanent and click on OK so
that it will create a 301 redirect so these are the methods that you can set or
instruct Google to set the canonical URL first one is link real canonical
understand annotation that 

we have mentioned in the beginning so you just need
to copy this code and put it in your head tag or you can use redirection method
if Google is indexing the different URLs instead of the main URL then you can
set redirection and you can also use internal link to instruct Google that this
is your canonical URL suppose you have a block page URL so let me just remove
the question mark m equal to 1 here and let me just copy this URL to my notepad
file and let me just copy this again and I will remove the https so these these
are two different URLs one is https one is HTTP so if you keep using this URL

URL to my notepad file 

your all internal links Pages then Google will automatically think that this
is the canonical URL and it will not Index this one and it will Index this one
because you have added this link multiple time in different internal link
because you are preferring this URL instead of HTTP URL and one thing to note
that you can redirect this one so let me just copy this URL from here and let
me just paste it here and hit enter and as you can see it will it has redirect
to WWE version so you can do that if you are using 

cloudflare so I have already
made a video on this too how to fix SSL issue so you need to set a rule in your
cloudflare account and after that it will redirect all your HTTP version to
your https version and if you are using something like GoDaddy then you can
watch this video to how to redirect non-ww pages to ww pages so redirection is
one way you can fix the canonical issue and another one is you can add a
canonical tag like this in your head tag and there are various other ways like internal
linking and you can also set the URL inside map file though so Google will
prefer those URLs that are present in your sitemap file instead of referring
HTTP version or something like question mark m equal to one or 

URL is showing as a canonically error

question mark
one two three so let me just go to search console and click on pages here and
here you will see this option alternate page with proper canonical tag so just
click on here and let me scroll down and these are some random URLs that Google
flag in this error but this is not that actual error that you should be worried
about because here you will see this like question mark So commands and

mark  Source feed Warner links and feed links so these are some
unnecessary links that should not be indexed that’s why it is showing excluded
in this page indexing tab and if you go to index 129 then these are the pages
that are already indexed and these are the pages like five one four pages that
are not in index and out of that you will see this duplicate canonical URLs and
it is showing that 175 pages are affected but in reality it is pointing out the
question mark m equal to 1 or some random URLs in commands so I hope you have
understand how you can fix this error and you can completely ignore this error
only you have to focus on if the actual post URL is showing in duplicate issue
or not because if 

your actual post URL is showing as a canonically error then
you need to redirect that URL to your main host URL if that’s not the case then
you can simply ignore that error and no need to redirect that URL to the actual
post URL so I hope you have understand how to fix canonical issue in your
blogger website and if you have any doubt regarding this then you can ask me in
the comment section and if you found this video helpful then make sure to hit the
like button thank you  

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