5 High authority Indexable Backlinks | High Organic Traffic

Picture of by David Pogue
by David Pogue


5 High authority Indexable Backlinks | High Organic Traffic

the first website’s domain Authority is 53  spam score
is only five percent spam score   and second websites domain
Authority is 53  spam score is only four percent spam score   and
in third website you can see again domain  authorities 53 spam score is
only one person   spam score and in fourth website you can see 
domain authorities 35 spam score is only two   percent spam score and
in fifth website you can  see domain authorities 37 and spam score is
four   person spam score and two websites will give us  uh do
follow backlink and three websites will   give us no follow back
links creating backlink  on First Site is really very simple the
first   site is our guest Post website and you can submit  your
articles related to business entertainment   tech software and many
other categories in this  website okay and

Categories in this  website

 this website will provide you creating
backlink uh the procedure of  creating backlink on this website
is   simple like on the top bar you can say  submit post option
click on the submit   post and then they will give you uh  all
the tutorial like what you have   to done like this one is the
website link  just copy it and paste it in the new tab and you can see
they also provided you the  username so let’s fill it out and they
also   provided you the password so you have to use these  login
credentials to get logged on on this website   and now you can see uh
WordPress dashboard and in   the top bar left hand side you can

 see  new Option and now click on post foreign Title Here the article here
and do some SEO  for this article also so that you will get   100
approval here I also achieved my backlink here  and you can see this is my
article get my backlink   also here and this backlink is no follow
backlink  but it is 100 indexable okay so my backlink is 100   indexed
also so you can also submit your backlink  here in the

Contextual based backlinks 

 same procedure the
name of the website   you can see moxin 5 y c a f z g.com moxin 5
y  c a f z g.com and you will get login details by   clicking
here submit post okay so do uh create  your backlinks on this website do
acquire your   backlinks on this website and and get indexed 
backlinks the second website will also give   you 100 contextual
based backlinks so creating  backlink on this website is also really
very   simple on the top bar right hand side you can see 
register option just click on the register option   and you just need
to fill out your full name email  address password or you can use your
this option  

 also login with Google account so I am using 
login with Google account option and now you   can see I have logged
on this website and you can  also fill out your profile you can also
complete   your profile option by uploading your logo here  and
some basic information okay and now the main   thing is how to submit
your article so now you  can see here you have option highlighted
right   so click on the right button and now you can see  here
you have option to submit your article so   let’s fill it out very
quickly so now you can see  I have added my cover photo here title here
and   my article here but please you

 submit your very  detailed
article here only then you will get full   benefit or to acquire
backlink from this website  now you have to click on Save option okay now
the   article is in the draft section so click on the  draft
section and now click here publish button   now your article is
published okay so now you  click on the uh your home page and now scroll
down   your this web page and you will see here is your 
backlink okay live backlink so just click it out and you can see you can you
see your live link  here and if I talk about the no follow and
do   follow this one is hundred percent no follow  backlink but
this website will give you 100   indexable backlink okay so I have
also created  my backlink here for my other SEO projects and   my
those backlinks are also index so the  name of the website is guest
country.com   guest country.com is our second backlink site 
where you will get 100 indexable

No follow backlink  acquiring backlinks

 backlinks but   this backlink is
your no follow backlink  acquiring backlinks from third website
is   really very beneficial for you as you can  create multiple
backlinks here also and   you can you will get one reference domain
plus  your all backlinks will be indexed here and you   will get
do follow backlink also so creating  backlink on this website is also very
easy on   the top bar you people can see login or join  options
so just click on login or join option   and now you can choose this
Google option or  Facebook option so I am choosing Google option
so   now use you can see I have logged on this

 website  and here
is the dashboard of the website so just   click on this dashboard
button and now you can  see a dashboard of your WordPress and now we
have   to click on here new and now we click on post  option so
here you have to add your title and   your article here okay so let’s
fill it out very  quickly so now you people can see I have
added   My Title Here My article here and also added some  tags
here okay so now click on publish button and   now we will check how
our post is visible so click 

 on view post and you can see we have
achieved our   backlink here and if I talk about the no follow 
or do follow of the website or our backlink you   can see we have
acquire 500 percent do follow  backlink here okay and the name of the
website   is timesofrising.com times of presenting.com is  our
third backlink website where you will get to   follow backlink and
100 indexable backlink okay  you can submit as many articles as you want
so   let’s talk about our fourth website fourth website  is our
hundred percent indexable backlink and it   will give you 100 indexed
backlink also so you  people can see I have achieved mine do
follow   backlink here and you can see my name here also  but I will

Index backlink 

 going to show you the tutorial as   this website is a bit time
consuming website it’s  loading is very very slow so as you people uh
have   seen the name of this website hooduma dot social 
suggests you need to translate this website to   English so I have
translated my this website  you just need to create a new account and
if   confirmation email will be sent you will confirm  that link
and login here okay then you will see   an option like somewhere some
here or to add a  post okay so you just need to click there and
add   your article here okay but do not forget to add  your
banner photo or some more good photos on the   article so this
website will also give you 100 to  follow and index backlink so name of
the website

DOT social you do  my DOT social

 I   am again repeating you do my DOT social you do 
my DOT social is a web for do follow backlink   website name fifth
website is our social sharing  website so backlink creation is also very
easy on   this website so when you scroll it down you will  see
register option so just click on the register   option and you will
see a form like this you just  need to fill out this form and then click
on let’s   go option and a confirmation email will be sent on 
the email which you filled out here and then you   just need to click
on that link and then you can  log in on this website okay and and after
login   on this website you can

 see this type of dashboard  and
you just need to fill out uh and you just need   to create your post
here it will take a very small  text so just fill it out very quickly so I
have   copied my this description and fill it here and  then I
will add my YouTube channel link so I will   create my YouTube pasted
my YouTube channel link  here and then click on share options okay so
you   will get multiple links here backlinks

Referring domain 

 here  and one
referring domain and if I talk about   the do follow no fault of the
website you can  see in this website is 100 no follow backlink  
but it also provide you indexed backlink okay  so you just need to fill
out its profile also   very smartly and achieve multiple backlinks
from  profile and from this feed okay you can add your   photos
here your videos your audios so multiple  type of backlinks you can
acquire from this   website the name of the website is
rehearso.com  rehearsal.com is our fifth website backlink name  

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